About Bernedoodles
Bernedoodle's are a hybrid designer dog, they are the offspring of a Bernese Mountain Dog and a Standard Poodle. Bernese Mountain Dogs are known for their unwavering loyalty and gentle personality, while the Poodle is known for its high intelligence and playful nature. Bernedoodle's take on all the best qualities from these two breeds, creating a highly intelligent cuddle bug. They are easy to train, having the smarts of a poodle and eager to please, having the loyalty of the Bernese. They are great around kids of all ages and are excellent family pets, becoming a indispensable member of your family. The life purpose of a Bernedoodle is to be your best friend.
Bernedoodle's are also low-no shedding and take on the traits of the poodles hypoallergenic coat. Making them more suited for people that have a mild allergy to dogs.
We specialize in F1 Tuxedo Bernedoodle's. What does that mean in plain english? An F1 Bernedoodle is a first generation Bernedoodle. They are the offspring of a Bernese Mountain Dog and Poodle, so they are 50% Bernese and 50% poodle. Tuxedo refers to their colouring. A Tuxedo Bernedoodle is bi-colour black and white. They have a white chin, chest, tummy, four white paws and a white tip on their tail. Some have white that extends up their face and collar.
Bernedoodle's have hair rather than a double layer of fur that continually sheds out. So their hair won't fall out, (thus the low-no shedding). They will need regular brushing and grooming to keep them free of matts. And a regular trip to the groomer for a trim. Bernedoodle's do great outdoors, keep in mind leaving their coats trimmed a bit longer in winter months will help with their comfort level while outside. No traits appear commonly across the board, each puppy has its own unique combination of its parents coat type and traits. We can not guarantee coat type or colour.
Males Bernedoodle's will be around 70-85 pounds full grown and females tend to be smaller by 15-20 pounds, reaching 60-75 pounds full grown. Each gender reaching an average height of 22-27 inches tall to the shoulder.
Bernedoodle's are the perfect combination of lovable and goofy, tender and gentle, obedient and loyal, quick-witted and intelligent. Their Bernese Mountain Dogs parent is known for its unwavering loyalty and gentle personality, while the Poodle is known for its high intelligence and playful nature. Bernedoodle's take on all the best qualities from these two breeds. They are easy to train, having the smarts of a poodle and eager to please, having the loyalty of the Bernese. They are great around kids of all ages and are excellent family pets. The life purpose of a Bernedoodle is to be your best friend.
Bernedoodle's tend to be healthier dogs than that of their purebred parents. Inbreeding has left many purebred dogs open to genetically inherited diseases and conditions, but cross breeding reduces that risk as you are not combining the unhealthy traits of either breed. Bernedoodle’s have longer life expectancy then their Bernese Mountain Dog parents, which have a life expectancy of 6-8 years. But their Poodle parent has a life expectancy of 12-15 years, this trait is dominately passed down to the pups. Passing down the longer life expectancy of 12-15 years to their Bernedoodle pups.
Activity Level
Bernedoodle’s have a moderate to low activity level. They love to go outside for play time and walks. And they have enough energy to go on bike rides and long hikes with you. But then they love to have their long naps.
Bernedoodle’s generally don't require much personal space, and as long as their moderate need for physical stimulation is met, they love spending their time cuddled up on the couch close to their beloved family members.
Paw Ratings
Amount of Shedding
Life Expectancy
Tolerates Being Alone
Tolerates Cold Weather
Tolerates Hot Weather
Family Oriented Dog
Kid Friendly
Friendly Toward Strangers
Friendly with other Dogs
Drooling Level
Energy Level
Need for Exercise